Monthly Archives: April 2019

Cosmic Weather Forecast – April 15, 2019 – April 21, 2019

After the intensive energy from last week, this week will be a welcomed relief.

So, take a deep breath and just breathe and enjoy it.

The big news this week is that the Sun moves out of Aries and into earthy Taurus.  Astrologically speaking, we fly down from the heavenly world of potential and possibilities and land firmly on the earth and we enter the world of reality.

Taurus is about the here and now. The past is dead and cannot be influenced and the future is not important as long as everything remains unchanged and reliable.  In fact, during Taurus season, it’s productive to concentrate on the moment and focusing on what you can influence in the now. The sign of the bull ushers in a cycle of focusing on things you can personally grow, like your bank account, a flower garden, or your investments.  It’s also an auspicious time to set realistic goals that you can accomplish in a short period of time.

This year, the Taurean Sun lands in the 10th house of the world chart.  The 10th house is associated with our careers, but on a more mundane level, you could say the 10th house is about all the adjectives and labels in our lives, such as being a doctor, an astrologer, a parent, the head of the PTA, or a good person.  In the world chart, the Sun forms a conjunction to disruptive Uranus, so this Taurus season is about changing the labels we associate with that are no longer working and associating with something new that represents who we are now.  Taurus is very resistant to change, but the more you fight Uranus the more disruptive change can be.  Take a deep look at your associations over the next month and let go of the ones that no longer have value, which may require a leap of faith, but fosters productive growth of your most important commodity – yourself.

Now, on with the forecast…

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Cosmic Weather Forecast – April 8, 2019 – April 14, 2019

So, I recently had a client that went through some extreme circumstances and during a coaching session, she asked me what was the psychological reason for experiences, in general?

I am sure that we have all asked ourselves this question at one point or another, and since there are astrological contributors this week that may bring about difficult experiences, I figured that I would attempt to answer it here.

Let me first say that I believe that the astrological chart describes a natural unfoldment of potential that is triggered by transits, progressions, and other astrological prognosticative tools, that provide opportunities for the chart to manifest and the individual to become a well-rounded individual.  The experiences we have, as a result of our natal chart, bring triggered, whether for good or ill, helps to navigate this unfoldment process.  Secondly, I believe that awareness of the daily astrological energies gives us the ability to consciously integrate astrological energies and make them useful in our lives, which is the point of transformational astrology. Experiences, triggered by astrological factors, serve the overall pattern that ultimately allows us to develop according to the natural laws that are essentially part of our inner design or plan.

Now, the reason this question is pertinent to this week’s astrology is that the Sun makes difficult aspects to both astrological ‘bad boys,’ Saturn (4/10) and Pluto (4/13).  The Sun is the governing body of the chart and when the Sun undergoes difficulties, then we usually experience them in the outer world first, through our experiences, and then we experience them inwardly by internally processing experiences and ultimately making changes when necessary.  In the case of Saturn, frustrations and limitations may lead to depression or feeling stymied and restricted.  In the case of Pluto, feelings of being controlled or dominated by outside influences may feel overwhelming, and at times, terrifying.  However, both planets, whether we like it or not, serve a purpose.  Saturn tells us to be dutiful and responsible; whereas Pluto tells us to release everything that is no longer usable or is preventing our further development.  The good news is that when you work with these two planets, you bring out their productive natures and ultimately feel more secure, stable, and your life transforms into what you want it to be.

In other cosmic news, Jupiter has been moving through Sagittarius since late last year, and this week will begin its annual retrograde cycle.  Jupiter in Sagittarius is about our beliefs and understanding of life, and a future that is filled with potential and creative possibilities that are better than what we have now.  So, when Jupiter goes retrograde (4/10) it reflects a cycle when we should question and review our core beliefs to see whether they are still useful.  If they are not, then you are given an opportunity to explore new beliefs and ideas that may resonate with who you are now.  This allows you to pursue life with more freedom and develop your true potential.  Jupiter remains retrograde until August 11th.

Now, on with the forecast…

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