Monthly Archives: February 2022

Astrology Forecast for the Week of February 28, 2022 – March 6, 2022

The astrology forecast for February 28, 2022 through March 6, 2022 features five major aspects (Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury conjunct Saturn, Mars conjunct Pluto, Venus conjunct Pluto, the Sun conjunct Jupiter, and Venus conjunct Mars), two sign changes (Venus and Mars), and a New Moon in Pisces.

Damn! That’s a lot of energy

So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

Cosmic Overview

This week features the most positive day of the year, as the Sun and Jupiter conjoin in Pisces. Sun conjoins Jupiter in Pisces is incredibly positive because Jupiter is in his sign, and his benefic energy is amplified. So, make sure you take advantage of this energy while it’s available.

One of the most beneficial features of the Sun conjunct Jupiter is it’s an optimistic and joyful aspect. Your spirits will be lifted, and this should have a positive impact on your outlook on life, and people will enjoy being around you. New experiences are important at this time because Jupiter will want to expand your worldview, and you will have the urge to make your life bigger, bolder, and brighter. As I said earlier, the Sun conjoined to Jupiter is considered lucky. It’s easy to quickly (especially the fire signs) see opportunities and take advantage of them. So, pay close attention to anything presented to you while this aspect is active.

The only drawback to Sun conjunct Jupiter is its propensity towards burnout. It’s very easy to get excited by everything in your life, and as a result, you may take on more than you can handle. So, try not to overdo it.

Daily Breakdown

Monday, February 28, 2022

We start the week off with the Moon moving through Aquarius. It’s a great day to socialize and connect with your inner circle. You will find group activities rewarding, because the focus will be on meaningful experiences, not individual egos. Later in the day, you may be focused on more serious subjects, and seek new ways to make your life better.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Sun forms a lovely sextile to Uranus in Taurus. You may feel more alert than normal, and you will crave excitement. Day to day monotony will just not do it for you, and you may need to tap into your adventurous inner child and explore new things. Furthermore, it’s a great day to make changes in your life, because Uranus will help you find new solutions to problems you haven’t been able to resolve.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

We reach the heart of Pisces season, as the New Moon occurs at 12:35 PM EST/9:35 AM PST. This is an excellent New Moon if you need to do healing work, connect with your spiritual allies, to find meaning and joy in your life, or supercharge creative projects. You can also use this New Moon to examine your dreams or do divination.

As far as the energy of the day, expect minor frustrations and communication issues, as Mercury conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. You may go through feelings of self-doubt and loneliness. Push away negative thoughts and distract yourself with busy work if necessary.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

On Thursday, Venus and Mars both conjoin Pluto in Capricorn. This planetary combination is potentially volatile because it often evokes conflict with others, and with Venus involved, those conflicts may occur in personal relationships. As a result, you may experience power struggles with others and may need to choose your battles carefully.

On a more positive note, these energies also give you the drive and determination to accomplish whatever you wish to achieve. Just try not to mow down other people in the process.

Friday, March 4, 2022

The Moon moves through fiery Aries. The Moon in Aries is about going after what you desire and focusing on your personal ambitions. You will also (well, most of you) notice a much-needed energy boost that will help you accomplish whatever you need to get done. Use this energy wisely because it won’t last long.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Today is the most positive day of the year, as the Sun conjoins Jupiter in Pisces, and the positive energies are amplified because Jupiter is in its own sign. So it’s an excellent day to look at your big picture objectives and go for the gold. You can achieve anything you put your mind to because this aspect delivers.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Venus and Mars move into Aquarius and finalize the aspect cycle they began before Venus went retrograde in December. This conjunction may resolve long-term issues you’ve been waiting on, and it’s the perfect energy to improve relationships or begin new ones. In addition, since Saturn (the ruler of Aquarius) is highly dignified, he will help make relationships more stable.

See you next week!

Astrology Forecast for the Week of February 21, 2022 – February 27, 2022

The astrology forecast for the week of February 21, 2022 through February 27, 2022 features three major aspects, all grouped in the middle of the week – Mars sextile Neptune, Venus sextile Neptune, and Mercury square Uranus.

Cosmic Overview

The cosmic event of the week is Mercury in Aquarius (now out of shadow) square Uranus in Taurus. If there is a week in which cabin fever will kick into high gear, this is the one!

Mercury square Uranus gets bored with the same old monotonous day-to-day activities, and will seek out new things, often impulsively, to add some excitement to everyday life. Now, this is fine and dandy and usually goes smoothly with a sextile or trine, but since this is a square, the erratic nature of the aspect can be problematic. For many (yes mutable signs, I’m talking to you), there will be an urge to throw duties and responsibilities out the window in favor of excitement and exploring new things. However, this can come with consequences, so try to think things out before throwing caution to the wind.

Another feature of Mercury square Uranus is that your thoughts will be fast and furious. You will be inspired by new ideas and interests, and will want to explore them. Intuitive hunches or insights may be amplified while this aspect is active. But, if you have difficulties controlling the onslaught of mental activity, you could end up feeling anxious or nervous. As best as possible, try to focus on one thing and leave the others for another day. Obviously, it’s best not to focus on projects that need focus and concentration.

Daily Breakdown

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Moon moves through emotionally intense Scorpio. The morning hours should be relatively harmonious and stress free, with the Moon forming a lovely trine to the Sun in Pisces. However, during the evening hours, the Moon squares Mercury, and it would be best to avoid emotionally charged conversations. Try to wait until the cosmic energies are more favorable and your emotions have simmered, before proceeding with any course of action.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

It’s going to be a challenging day, as the Moon continues to move through Scorpio and forms a tense square to Saturn. You may go through feelings of insecurities and self-doubt throughout the day. The good news is that during the late afternoon, the Moon will sextile Venus and Mars, which should lighten the mood and energy through the evening hours. It’s an excellent time to escape the problems of the real world and do something enjoyable.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mars forms a lovely sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Wednesday is not the most energetic day, because Mars in aspect to Neptune is more introspective and contemplative than he is aggressive. It’s an excellent day to ponder your goals and the current state of your life. You may even realize that you need to course correct and take a different path. Additionally, you may be emotionally sensitive to the needs of others, and could be called upon to help someone in need.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Besides Mercury forming a square to Uranus, Venus sextiles Neptune. It’s an excellent day for love and romance, and if you are in a relationship, it’s the perfect night for a date or to spend time together.  You will be sensitive to the needs of your partner and willing to provide them with the support they need. For the single people, it’s an auspicious time to explore the arts and engage with things you love and find beautiful.

Friday, February 25, 2022

The Moon enters dutiful Capricorn at 11:29 AM EST/8:29 PST. Today is about focusing on your duties, responsibilities, and ambitions. Job and career issues may be a central focus throughout the day. Later this evening, you may want to let your hair down and have some fun as the Moon sextiles the Sun in Pisces.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Moon continues to move through Capricorn and forms favorable aspects to Uranus and Jupiter.  It’s a great day to shake things up and do things outside the box. Approaching things in new ways may bring insight and inner revelation. Also, pay close attention to opportunities that may seem far-fetched, they may be the key to opening the door to everything.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

The early morning hours will be filled with intensity as the Moon conjoins Venus, Mars, and Pluto. You may need to closely manage your emotions and keep a close watch on your tongue. It’s easy to say something you may later regret if you are emotionally charged. The good news is that the Moon moves into Aquarius later in the day, which should improve your mood enormously. Spend the afternoon socializing and connecting with your social circle.

See you next week!

Astrology Forecast for the Week of February 14, 2022 – February 20, 2022

The astrology forecast for the week of February 14, 2022 through February 20, 2022 features two major aspects (Venus conjunct Mars and Jupiter sextile Uranus), two sign changes, and the Full Moon in Leo.

It’s going to be a busy week. So, let’s dive right in.

Cosmic Overview

The aspect of the week is Mars conjoined to Venus in Capricorn. This configuration is special because Mars will overtake Venus, when usually Venus is the one that completes an aspect to Mars.

But, why?

Back in November, Venus moved into Capricorn and began applying to a sextile with Mars in Scorpio. However, Venus slowed down before turning retrograde, and Mars slipped into Sagittarius. In astrological terms, this is called frustration, and it means that matters governed by Venus and Mars could not come together or materialize. Venus turned retrograde in December, and Mars continued to move through Sagittarius until it moved into Capricorn on January 24th. Venus then turned direct on January 29th, but because she is still moving slower than Mars, Mars can overtake Venus and finally come together.

Mars conjoin Venus is great for relationships that have been problematic for the last few months. Tensions should begin to subside, and since the conjunction occurs in earthy Capricorn, this is an excellent time to get the relationship back on the right footing and begin to rebuild structure and foundation. You will notice that it will be easier to negotiate and reach a compromise. Also, if your sex life has been in a slump, Mars-Venus will help spice it up! So, even though Valentine’s Day happens on February 14th, in the cosmos cupids arrow strikes on the 16th.

Daily Breakdown

Monday, February 14, 2022

We start the week off with Mercury moving out of Capricorn and back into Aquarius. Remember, Aquarius is the sign Mercury turned retrograde in last month, so all you Mercury shadow watchers, the end is near.

The sign of Aquarius is about progress. On the personal level, we can say that Aquarius is the sign that helps make our lives better than it is now. So Mercury, moving through the sign of the water bearer, helps us develop strategies, plans, and ways to help us level up. Pay close attention to your current interests or anything you learn at this time, because it may provide insight about the future.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Moon moves through playful Leo and forms a tense opposition to Saturn. Although you would rather play and have some fun, the burdens of Saturn may leave you feeling frustrated and cranky.  The key to working with this aspect is to take care of business, but save some time for the fun stuff. Remember, all work and no play make Jill a sad girl.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Full Moon occurs in fiery Leo. The sign of Leo reflects our inner purpose (destiny) and personal identity. Since the Full Moon cycle is about letting go of what no longer serves you, this Full Moon is excellent for banishing self-defeating behaviors and everything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy. Also, if you need reputation repair, this is the perfect time to leave your past mistakes behind and embrace the real you – warts and all.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Today, Jupiter forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. If you’ve been waiting for an auspicious time to make positive changes in your life, look no further – Jupiter sextile Uranus will get the job done. While this aspect is active (next two weeks), it’s a beneficial time to change jobs, make financial investments, and take risks. Since Jupiter is highly dignified in Pisces, anything you put your mind and energy into should be successful.

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Sun moves out of the airy realms of Aquarius and dives deep into the oceanic depths of Pisces.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It reflects the process of going inward after eleven months of experiencing the outer world and preparing to begin the process again once the Sun moves into Aries in March. The yearly cycle (actually, all cycles) resembles the cycle of the Moon. As the Moon fades away during the waning crescent Moon, it’s time to focus on what we need to let go of, do releasing work, healing, and bring old matters to a conclusion. We are given a larger window to work on these issues during Pisces season.  Just a warning: this type of work shouldn’t be done haphazardly. Instead, it should be done with careful thought and consideration.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Moon moves through social Libra and forms a beautiful trine to Mercury in Aquarius. If you’ve experienced some cabin fever over the past few months, it’s time to get out, smell the fresh air, and socialize with people. It’s an excellent day for a lunch date or a get together. The main point is connecting with others, especially those you care about.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Moon continues to move through Libra and squares Venus and Mars. You may experience some minor conflict with others today, but matters should resolve quickly. Try to remain as proactive as possible and use your wise mind.

See you next week!

Astrology Forecast for the Week of February 7, 2022 – February 13, 2022

The astrology forecast for the week of February 7, 2022 through February 13, 2022 features only two planetary aspects – Mars trine Uranus and Mercury conjunct Pluto.

So, energetically speaking, it’s a slow week.  But, after two planetary retrogrades (Mercury and Venus), we need a bit of a break.

Let’s dive in…

Cosmic Overview

The aspect of the week occurs on Friday, when Mercury conjoins Pluto for the third time in the last two months.  Mercury conjoin Pluto adds a bit of intensity to the mind, and it’s easy to see beneath the surface of things, especially other people’s agendas.  But, even though you see the ‘truth of the matter’, it’s best to keep it to yourself for now, because this aspect easily triggers opposition from others.  So, use any knowledge you receive carefully, and try not to become obsessed with proving your point.

Also, it’s best to avoid gossip (giving and receiving), because it could lead to potential blowback.

Daily Breakdown

Monday, February 7, 2022

We start the week with the Moon moving through Taurus, the sign of her exaltation.  The Moon makes several favorable aspects throughout the day, including a sextile to Jupiter and a trine to Venus.  The Taurean Moon is great for financial decisions, making large purchases, and investments. Since the Moon is in Taurus, it’s also time for a little indulgence. Perhaps a savory meal or a decadent treat would hit the spot just fine.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Mars in Capricorn forms a beneficial trine to Uranus in Taurus. Ordinarily, Mars-Uranus aspects can act impulsively and tend to gamble on outcomes foot loose and fancy free.  However, since Mars and Uranus are in earth signs, it may provide enough realism to make this aspect pay off. If you’ve been stuck in a rut, now is the time to shake things up and add new activities to your life that catch your interest and that you find exciting. You will notice that you have more courage than you ordinarily would, so this is an excellent time to take a risk. Relax your inhibitions, at least for a little bit.  After all, you only live this lifetime once.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Moon moves into social Gemini during the early morning hours. It’s an excellent day to hang out with your friends or your network.  You may need mental stimulation, and the energy is available so that your needs are met. Sharing ideas with others may inspire you.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Moon continues to move through Gemini and aspects lucky Jupiter and trines Saturn in Aquarius. Your disposition will be positive, and you should find the course of the day enjoyable. If you need to work on your big picture objectives, today would be the day to do it.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Mercury conjoins Pluto for the third time in Capricorn. There may be an aura of intensity throughout the day, and you may find yourself at odds with others. Try to be as proactive as possible when dealing with the people in your life. Sometimes, it’s easiest to walk away than engage in something where you have no chance of winning.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Moon moves through Cancer, the sign she rules. She forms a beneficial aspect to Jupiter in Pisces during the day. This is wonderful for family time, connecting with your relatives, or close friends (chosen relatives). The energy is positive and should flow relatively easily.  However, your mood could quickly change during the evening, as the Moon opposes argumentative Mars. Avoid people who may purposely push your buttons.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

We close the week with the Moon still in Cancer, and she forms a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces. If you have creative projects, the Moon trine Neptune creates the perfect ambiance to get the imagination flowing. You will also be sensitive to the moods of others, so guard yourself carefully.

See you next week!