Cosmic Weather Forecast — December 31, 2018 – January 6, 2019

Last week, I hated to see an extremely frustrating aspect before a major holiday.  This week, I hate to see us start the year off with another one as the Sun conjoins Saturn in Capricorn.

But, before I get into this week’s energy, I need to let you know that 2019 is going to be difficult as we prepare for the conjunction of the two astrological baddies, Saturn and Pluto.   I will focus on Saturn and Pluto throughout the year and how it will affect you on the personal level, but this week we get a healthy dose of the energy because a solar eclipse in Capricorn occurs this weekend.

Solar eclipses are powerful New Moons that are triggered when planets make aspects to the eclipse degree throughout the year. Solar eclipses affect events on the world stage, and the result of those events trickle down into our personal lives.  So, understanding Capricorn energy is essential to working with this energy proactively.

I recently attended a webinar on Pluto that was given by preeminent astrologer Liz Greene.  While discussing the sign of Capricorn, she referred to it as a ‘meritocracy,’ and I find this term to be a valid description of the sign of the goat. Capricorn wants us to earn and achieve through effort, struggles, and hardship; laziness and handouts are suspect and rarely valued.  So, as we move towards the eclipse begin to look at what you can genuinely earn this year and how you can work to build a life you love.

Additionally, Capricorn governs the structures and foundations of society or more simply put the laws and rules we have created to live in a civilized society.  This week, earthy Capricorn is at odds with fiery Aries energy that reflects personal ambitions and achievements and views our societal structures as limiting and restrictive.  This conflict can lead to struggle in our lives, especially on the professional front.  It may be necessary to keep your guard up and choose your battles carefully.

Now, on with the forecast…

Monday, December 31, 2018:

We begin the week with Mars moving out of Pisces and into its own sign of Aries.  Mars in Aries is about personal desire and ambition, and this is an auspicious time to look at what you would like to achieve over the next year.  However, practically speaking, you may find yourself at odds with those around you.  Rather than using this energy combatively, use it as our source of inspiration that will churn your ambitions.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019:

Happy New Year!  As I mentioned earlier, the New Year starts off with a difficult conjunction between the Sun and Saturn.  Sun-Saturn aspects bring up issues of responsibilities and duties, and at times, may feel overwhelmed by them, which could lead to feelings of self-doubt.  On a more positive note, Sun-Saturn aspects can lead to professional advancement and an increase in responsibilities. If you need to plan or organize anything, now would be the time to do it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019:

During the early morning hours, the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius and forms a lovely trine to Mars in Aries.  Moon trine Mars is a great aspect for starting new projects and working with others.  Your leadership skills will shine throughout the day, and with the Moon in the sign of the archer, your mood will remain cheerful and optimistic.

Thursday, January 3, 2019:

The Moon continues to move through Sagittarius and slams against watery Neptune in Pisces. Mild confusion could be the source of headaches during the early morning hours.  Make sure you communicate clearly and effectively to avoid miscommunication issues.

Friday, January 4, 2019:

We have two aspects to deal with on Friday – Mercury trine Uranus and the Sun sextile Neptune.  Sun sextile Neptune aspects are good for creative and spiritual work.  If you need a self-check on the condition of your soul, Friday would be the day to do it.  Back on planet earth, Mercury in trine to Uranus will make you feel more alive and your mental prowess will be at an all-time high.  You may even resolve problems that have eluded you in the past.  Seek out people that stimulate you because they may motivate your future achievements.

The Weekend:

It’s solar eclipse Saturday! I’ve already discussed the importance of the eclipse, especially since it lands on the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto.  This eclipse urges you to focus on what you would like to build in your life and what you need to eliminate.  Choose carefully!

See you next week…

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